Macchinazioni. Soggettività, agentività ed entità esotiche

Salvatore Amato289-306

Abstract: Machinations. Subjectivity, Agency and Exotic Entities
Opacity is one of the main problems of artificial intelligence not only because it is technically difficult (and in some cases impossible) to open the black box, but because it constitutes the borderline zone between mechanisation of mind and humanisation of machine. This zone was the extreme outcome of reducing brain activity entirely to the biochemistry of neurons or the biophysics of synapses. The black box effect is the other side of the same coin: a kind of possible humanisation of machines, increasingly complex and unpredictable.
Is human-centred artificial intelligence a return to natural law? Do ethics by design, info-ethics, algor-ethics, data ethics, data dignity reintroduce the principles and values of the natural law tradition?
