Riparare o trasformare? Modelli di giustizia relazionale nel campo della penalità

Costanza Agnella9-28

Abstract: Restoring or Transforming? Relational Justice Models in the Criminal Field

This paper explores two models of relational justice that have emerged in the legal-criminal field in recent decades: restorative justice and transformative justice. The characteristics of the restorative model and those of the transformative model will be briefly outlined, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of these two perspectives in relation to traditional criminal justice. Subsequently, the elements that these two models have in common and, above all, the aspects in which they differ will be compared: the transformative approach, rooted in penal and penitentiary abolitionism, promotes a conception of justice that is radically alternative to traditional justice system, while the restorative approach tends increasingly to be integrated into legal systems. In spite of the differences between the two approaches, it will be seen how relational justice constitutes an interesting theoretical and practical background for a change in the conception of justice.
