La costruzione della figura femminile fra neuroni specchio e intelligenza artificiale simbiotica
Abstract: The Construction of the Female Figure Between Mirror Neurons and Symbiotic Artificial Intelligence
The unstoppable process of construction of the symbiotic system (human/artificial intelligence) undoubtedly determines a phantasmagorical implementation of the phenomenon of inauthentic representations. The correlations of these representations to the distortion of the informational world have consequences of no small importance in the context of mirror neurons functioning. Indeed, the new way of producing knowledge and “truth” through an infinite flow of data seems to go in the direction of perfect epistemic injustice in the representation of female figure online. This phenomenon produces mechanisms that significantly distance women from the recognition and affirmation of their fundamental rights.
The algorithmic logic, or rather that of the multiplication of data, information, and acquired images, only abnormally amplifies this process. As a result, the subject is induced to focus thoughts and behaviours solely on the objectification of female characteristics and their instrumentalization. The human brain is not insensitive to these continuous stimuli, on the contrary it seems to be shaped by them. What are the irreversible consequences?