Regola e pregiudizio.
La transessualità del diritto e del cinema

Leoluca Armigero83-99

 Abstract: Rule and Prejudice. Transsexuality of Cinema and Law
By acting on the progressive overcoming of a social normative system, some Italian and foreign films have contributed to marking fundamental points of progress in the construction of a more inclusive legal normative system over time. In particular, in the Seventies and Eighties of the last century, the representation offered to the public of LGBTQIA+ people in Italy initially provided a negative image, in a vicious circle between the process of collective stigmatization in and outside of cinemas, with the law being dramatically complicit; then, gradually, the screen represented a mirror for the collectives of homosexual activists, in which they could decide if and how (not) to recognize themselves through media languages ​​in which they struggled to conquer spaces of self-representation. The contribution tries to investigate the changes in sensitivities around the time of law 164/1982 approval, the law which gave trans people the possibility of having their gender identity recognized by institutions for the first time.
