Seguendo Carnelutti nella ricerca dell’anima

Vittorio Italia291-301

Abstract: Following Carnelutti in His Quest for the Soul
According to Francesco Carnelutti the quest for the soul happens according to rules and forces behaving like ones. Rules are the most loyal and relatable companions in this quest. These rules can be found in the limited and infinite dimension. This applies to the law of noncontradiction too. The soul is a force and an energy with peculiar abilities, such as the striving for bigger dimensions and for to the knowledge of concepts. This tendency can be compared to the force with which a magnet attracts iron and to the feeling of hunger and thirst, representing the need of the human body for foods and liquids. These examples can be applied to the striving of the human soul for something bigger that transcends time and space: the eternity and the Infinite. The thesis presented by Francesco Carnelutti can genuinely provide constructive impetus to continue the hard, but mandatory, quest for the soul.
