Tre tesi attuali sul pacifismo. Da Kant a Carnelutti

Antonio Incampo277-290

Abstract: Three Current Theses on Pacifism. From Kant to Carnelutti
By combining Carnelutti’s theses with those by Kant, a decisive question of contemporary philosophical thought is faced. As is well-known, both Kant and Carnelutti dedicated an important work to the theme of peace. Kant’s work Zum ewigen Frieden (1795) is very famous; equally famous is the essay by Carnelutti La guerre et la paix (1945). The following pages discuss three theses: (i) first thesis: “The problem is not peace, but war;” (ii) second thesis: “States cannot aspire to peace by virtue of law alone;” (iii) third thesis: “The weakness of international law raises the ethical question of peace.” The first two are Kantian theses; the third one is a thesis by Carnelutti, but it is the corollary of the first two theses.
