La maieutica della fede cristiana nel pensiero giuridico di Carnelutti
Abstract: The Maieutic of the Christian Faith in Carnelutti’s Juridical Reflections
The author conducts a re-reading of Carnelutti’s juridical reflections, centred on the trial, in the light of his Christian faith, the one that vivified all of his life. In this work the Christian faith is employed, using a maieutic method, to scrutinize the topics here discussed. What emerges is – just like in karst landscapes – a tridimensionality perspective on the trial, that necessarily has to be conducted from the phenomenical point of view of established legal order; that has to be stopped and started from the noumenical point of view of the metaphysical order; that, in the end, has to come back to the eschatological point of view, in the moment when it represents for the faithful Christian, the crucial time for choosing the eternity.