Sul potere del giudice nazionale di stabilire l’efficacia nel tempo delle leggi e delle sentenze: disapplicazione differita del diritto interno contrastante col diritto dell’Unione? Considerazioni a margine delle sentenze dell’Adunanza plenaria del Consiglio di Stato nn. 17 e 18 del 9 novembre 2021
Abstract: On the national Courts’ power to determine the temporal effects of laws and decisions: towards a delayed disapplication of national laws contrasting with EU laws? First impression on the judgments given by the Plenary session of the Council of State no. 17 and 18 on 9th November 2021.
The judicial power is expanding its competence in determining the effectiveness over time of legal rules and judicial decisions, both at the national and the international level. Recently, the highest Court of the Italian administrative justice found itself entitled to establish the date from which the national rules contrasting with self-executing provisions of EU law should be disapplied. This position seems inconsistent with the principle of supremacy of EU law. It contrasts with the power granted by EU Treaties to the Court of Justice to ensure the uniform interpretation and application of EU law.