Legal and Economic Instruments of Response to Climate Change Emergency

Izabela Ratajczak-Juszko/Maciej Nyka389-408

Abstract: Legal and Economic Instruments of Response to Climate Change Emergency

Climate change is one of the most important challenges of contemporary world. It is due to the fact, that dangers connected with climate change puts upon the question of the fundaments of our socio-economic and socio-environmental systems. Legal response to this danger evolved from top-down mechanisms to bottom-up approaches reflected by the Nationally Determined Contributions. Climate change can be treated as an emergency issue. This is due to it’s dynamics, the importance of risks connected with climate change and the fact that at least some of those dangers can be avoided thanks to the determination and important changes in socio-economic relations, which can be introduced by laws of emergencies. There are however doubts as to the purposefulness of using laws of emergencies in order to deal with climate change issues. Interesting and more efficient alternative seem to be the use of various financial and economic instruments which can result in lowering the social costs of introduction of changes induced by the process of climate change mitigation and adaptation.
